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FREE Chart Reading Request / Request for reading - Strategy going forward
« Last post by Dan on July 21, 2020, 05:17:03 PM »
Hi all, I'm new to CM but am very fascinated.

This is where I currently am with things. Happy for any feedback/ advice/ reading:

Place of Birth: UK/ England
Time: 15:10
Date: 6th May 1975

My intent with Chinese metaphysics is this.
1)   The blueprint
A.   I want to know the cards I’ve been dealt. That means a minimum of the following. Bazi = knowing about my Day Master and fixed elemental implications as well as the changing components in 10 and 1 year phases.
B.   As with (a) but for ZWDS = knowing the pillar orientations/ Life Pillar etc.
C.   As I lack knowledge of the blue print I will need an expert to provide implications of the relationships; punishments, clashes etc. and timings of favourable and unfavourable times according to the Bazi chart. Other components such as 10 Gods and implications.
D.   As with (b) but for ZWDS = knowing the placements of stars in Pillars and implications.

2)   Strategy – Using Chinese Metaphysics
A.   From findings identified in part one, review on what usable components of Chinese Metaphyscis are advisable to improve health, career, relationships based on the favourable and unfavourable sequences identified in (1). Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Chinese Medicine, Qi Men or Feng Shui.
B.   Identify of these, which requires more learning and which can be brought into practice. Blogs, online resources, forums, books and courses.

3)   Strategy – Non-Chinese metaphysics
A.   From findings identified in part one, consider usable components in your existing Life Philosophy that can be drawn upon in your Strategy.
B.   Identify of these, which requires more learning and which can be brought into practice.

4)   Schedule
A.   Map out a usable schedule of time sequences to include learning/ self-development as well as application in physical terms on plots, and with people via relationships/ groups/ community etc.

Regards, Dan.
FREE Chart Reading Request / Re: My wealth Decade
« Last post by Navitha99 on July 17, 2020, 08:53:25 PM »
Ok sure. Thank you.
FREE Chart Reading Request / Re: My wealth Decade
« Last post by J27945 on July 17, 2020, 08:48:18 PM »
This year, you should be stable. Some challenges, but overall stable. Next year (year of ox), there are signs of accidents, limps injury and some disruption in your career path. Consistency is need for next year, don't take on too much projects then you can handle. Its okay to let colleagues and peers do some of it.
FREE Chart Reading Request / Re: My wealth Decade
« Last post by Navitha99 on July 17, 2020, 03:07:20 PM »
I was working in iT industry as a project manager. I get monthly salary.
FREE Chart Reading Request / Re: My wealth Decade
« Last post by J27945 on July 15, 2020, 01:02:58 PM »
What step depend on your career roles or business. From BaZi perspective, it not as bad as you picture. Keywords here is prudent and consistency, Maybe you can talk about your roles or business first?
FREE Chart Reading Request / My wealth Decade
« Last post by Navitha99 on July 12, 2020, 04:42:18 AM »
Hi All,
Female, 29 Nov 1976, 6:25 am born in India.
My wealth Decade is starting next year.
What steps should I take to have good luck?
And what should I avoid to prevent bad luck?
PL advise
FREE Chart Reading Request / Re: Request for ZWDS reading
« Last post by J27945 on July 10, 2020, 02:42:09 PM »
33 Self
10 Output
16 Wealth
10 Authority
31 Resource

Career progression have some difficulty this year. Output is overwhelmed by excessive water. This means your performance has been undermine by your superior and colleagues. Overall rather tiring for you. Is this correct ?
FREE Chart Reading Request / Re: Request for ZWDS reading
« Last post by quietwood on July 07, 2020, 12:04:21 PM »
Hi. Im holding a Managerial position in a ID Consultancy firm
FREE Chart Reading Request / Re: Request for ZWDS reading
« Last post by J27945 on July 07, 2020, 12:12:34 AM »
Whats your current profession / job role ?
FREE Chart Reading Request / Re: Advise on Career and Wealth
« Last post by Hiddenroad on July 06, 2020, 01:46:07 AM »
Based on the time of question, did a divination. Better to stay at least until pass 22 Dec then you decide whether or not to move into business. Reason being, currently funding situation are kinda being subdue. Life door doesn't produce your palace. Moreover, your palace has signs of 'robbers'. Likelihood of wealth loss is higher if you place out capital at this point in time.

Noted on your advise.
Not pursuing business, how about moving out from current employment into new employment, when is my nearest chance? And should I actively pursue it and grab it without hesistant shall any better offer pass by?
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