« Last post by Nehemiah on September 02, 2020, 09:32:02 AM »
Just odd jobs really, nothing too exciting, seems like I always quit or move after year or so. I've worked a lot of different places, mainly restaurants as a cook - that's most of my experience. Can't say I really enjoy kitchen life, certainly don't want to be professional chef. I'm currently employed for government survey, walking around city taking census. Most my focus goes to school/study. I've never really put in much effort to find a definitive career path, just like to read... so I figured I might as well get an English degree and teach. Still in school cause I took a long hiatus, just came back two years ago.
Really bad with dates but, going backwards: Just got hired for Gov. job in August this year. Quit my last job (cook) in January this year, was employed there since August 2018, but I took a 3 month break in 2019. There was no employment when I moved here in June 2018 until I got that last job I mentioned. Before that I was living midwest, worked as a cook for 9 months at one place and 2 months another place, quit both to travel. Before that I was living in PA working for my mother (custodial) in 2016-17. Before that I was living in Virginia, landscaped for a year September 2015-16. And before that I was living in midwest for the first time, working as cook/cashier from Aug 2013-15.