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Case Study Collection
« on: April 15, 2020, 11:06:05 AM »
Hi all,

I want to make this thread as a case study collection, so we can share our analysis of why a specific event happened in the past. I want to share my personal opinion first, feel free to also give your opinion.

Miscarriage Chart Part 1

Below is a chart of a female, and she got a miscarriage in 2017 while pregnant. Why she got a miscarriage? This time, I would like to share my personal opinion from Bazi perspective. Source of the chart:

1. This chart is a 丁 DM born in 卯 month with 乙 protruding, Indirect Resource structure.

2. Find a “gang” and an opposing “gang” in the chart.

3. Between 2017-2027 癸未 LP, 未 half combination with 卯 in the month and day branch forms a “gang” with 3 members.

4. But 未 itself clashes with 丑, so both of them are enemies of each other.

5. In 癸未 LP, 未 has a “gang” with two 卯, and it helps to attack 丑 the opposing “gang”, so 丑 inside the chart got damaged.

6. 丑 is an Earth element that represents her output, which is also representing her child.

7. In 2017 丁酉 year, 丁 represent 午, and 午 has a harm relationship with 丑. So in 2017, 丑 as an output star that represents her child was badly damaged.

8. Child element got damaged indicates her child would “go away”, so she got a miscarriage in 2017.

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Re: Case Study Collection
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2020, 11:06:41 AM »
Miscarriage Chart Part 2

This is another miscarriage case study, a chart of a female that got a miscarriage in 7 weeks, and it occurred in 2017. Again, I would like to share my personal opinion on this from Bazi perspective. Source of the chart:

1. This is a 戊 DM born in 申 month with 庚 protruding, Eating God structure.

2. Inside the chart, 寅 clash 申, while 亥 harm 申.

3. Find a “gang” and an opposing “gang” in the chart.

4. Between 2010-2020 癸亥 LP, 亥 in the luck pillar, 亥 in the year branch, and 寅 in the day pillar has a six combination and forms a “gang” with 3 members.

5. While as mentioned above, 寅 has a clash relationship with 申 the opposing “gang”, and 亥 has a harm relationship with 申.

6. So in this case, 亥亥寅 forms a “gang” and attack 申, which is a metal element that represents her output, and also represents her child.

7. In 2017 丁酉 year, 丁 represent 午. As we know, 午 has a half combination relationship with 寅, so 午 (represented by 丁) join the “gang” and help to attack 申. At this stage, 申 was badly damaged.

8. Child element got damaged may indicate a miscarriage in that period.

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Re: Case Study Collection
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2020, 11:07:00 AM »
Miscarriage Chart Part 3

This is a miscarriage case study, a female chart that got a miscarriage in 2003. I would like to share my personal opinion on this from Bazi perspective. Source of the chart:

1. The first step is to find a “gang” and an opposing “gang” in the chart.

2. In this case, 亥未 half-combination inside the chart, while 未 harm 子. So 亥未 is the first “gang”, and 子 is the opposing “gang”.

3. Between 2002-2012 己卯 LP, 卯 combine with 亥未 to strengthens the “gang” and attack 子 the opposing “gang”.

4. In 2003 癸未 year, 未 also help the to attack 子. So 子 the output star was badly damaged.

5. Output star represents a child, so it may indicate miscarriage in that period.

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Re: Case Study Collection
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2020, 11:09:19 AM »
Miscarriage Chart Part 4

Hi all, this is a chart of a female owner that got a miscarriage in 2011. Source:

I would like to share my thoughts from Bazi perspective, feel free to give other opinions on this.

1. Again, try to find a “gang” and the opposing “gang” (or “alliance”) in the chart.

2. In 2006-2016 丁巳 LP, 巳 has hidden combination with 丑, and 巳 also has six combinations with two 申. While inside the chart, 丑 and 午 are harming each other.

3. So in this case, 巳丑 and two 申 are forming an “alliance” and attacking 午 as the opposing “alliance”.

4. In 2011 辛卯 year, 卯 comes gives help to destruct 午. At this stage, 午 was badly damaged in that period.

5. 午 Fire as output element represents her child, so it manifested as a miscarriage in 2011.

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Re: Case Study Collection
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2020, 11:09:31 AM »
Miscarriage Chart Part 5

This is a chart that had a miscarriage in 2004. Source:

I would like to share my opinion from Bazi perspective.

1. The first step is to find the “gang” and an opposing “gang” in the chart.

2. Inside the chart, 未亥 half-combination forms the first “gang”, and 戌 is the opposing “gang” because 未 destruct 戌.

3. 戌 was badly damaged by the combination of two 未 and one 亥.

4. 戌 Earth represents the output element that also indicates her child, and 2004 申 year was the arrival of Children palace 申, so there’s a possibility of pregnancy and miscarriage in that period.

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Re: Case Study Collection
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2020, 11:09:58 AM »
The Fatal Traffic Accident Chart

This is a case study, a fatal traffic accident chart contributed by Antonio. Thread:

This person has been a victim of a deceased traffic accident at around 22:30 on 5 October 2019.

My deepest sympathy for the victim and family. My personal opinion from Bazi perspective:

1. 酉丑酉 half combo forms a “gang”, and 未午 Liu He forms an opposing “gang”.

2. 丑 and 午 has a harm relation, so it’s like the member of 2 “gangs” are enemies of each other. The stronger “gang” that has more “friends” will win.

3. In this case, 酉丑酉 is the stronger one, so 未午 lose and got damaged.

4. Inside 未 has 己 Earth represent his body, and 午 Fire is Resource god represent his health. Both of them got damaged indicate danger in this luck period.

5. 2019 己亥 year, 己 is the arrival of 丑, it activates the harm relation between 丑 and 午.

6. And last but not least, inside 丑 has Flying knife 飞刃, while inside 午 has Shooting star 流霞, and harm relation activates both of Symbolic Stars (Shen Sha).

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