Bro Chat thank you so much yes I see it finally.

This also more or less explains how the self-punishment pairs are:
Hai-Hai, Wu-Wu, You-You, Chen-Chen.
Very good theories!

Punishment on Earthly branches can be comparing 3 He and 3 Hui.
巳 酉 丑
申 酉 戌
This explain why 巳申 is 2 combination and punishment at the same time.
子 丑 寅 卯 辰 巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥
亥 卯 未
亥 子 丑
寅 午 戌
巳 午 未
巳 酉 丑
申 酉 戌
申 子 辰
寅 卯 辰